
Phone Number Regulatory Requirements Spain

Welcome to Phonely’s detailed guide on phone number regulations for your country. To ensure uninterrupted AI receptionist services, it’s crucial to comply with local regulations. Our comprehensive guide provides all the necessary information you need to stay compliant with country-specific phone number requirements. For further details and updates, explore our resources or contact us directly.

Locale Summary
Locale nameSpain
ISO codeES

Numbers Summary

Toll-Free Prefixes+34900
National Prefixes+34518

Spain: Local Numbers

Requirements for Individuals
Information requiredDocumentation requiredAcceptable Documentation
NameProof of IdentityOne of the following:
Spanish national ID
Spanish passport
Spanish Residence card
Spanish Fiscal Identification Number
DNI/NIF/NIE (Documento Nacional de Identidad / Número de Identificación Fiscal / Número de Identidad de Extranjero)
Proof of Spanish Fiscal Identification NumberProof of Spanish Fiscal Identification NumberOne of the following:
Spanish national ID
Spanish passport
Spanish Residence card
AddressProof of AddressOne of the following:
Spanish national ID
Spanish residence card
Utility bill
Tax notice
Rent receipt
Title deed

Requirements for Businesses

Information requiredDocumentation requiredAcceptable Documentation
Business NameProof of IdentityOne of the following:
Business registration
Spanish Fiscal Identification Number
CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal)
Proof of Spanish Fiscal Identification NumberProof of Spanish Fiscal Identification NumberOne of the following:
Business registration
Business AddressProof of AddressOne of the following:
Business registration showing address
Utility bill
Tax notice
Rent receipt
Title deed

Spain: Mobile, National, Toll-Free Numbers

Requirements for Individuals
Information requiredDocumentation requiredAcceptable Documentation
NameProof of IdentityOne of the following:
Spanish national ID
Spanish passport
Spanish Residence card
Spanish Fiscal Identification Number
DNI/NIF/NIE (Documento Nacional de Identidad / Número de Identificación Fiscal / Número de Identidad de Extranjero)
Proof of Spanish Fiscal Identification NumberProof of Spanish Fiscal Identification NumberOne of the following:
Spanish national ID
Spanish passport
Spanish Residence card
AddressProof of AddressOne of the following:
Spanish national ID
Spanish residence card
Utility bill
Tax notice
Rent receipt
Title deed

Requirements for Businesses

Information requiredDocumentation requiredAcceptable Documentation
Business NameProof of IdentityOne of the following:
Business registration
Spanish Fiscal Identification Number
CIF (Código de Identificación Fiscal)
Proof of Spanish Fiscal Identification NumberProof of Spanish Fiscal Identification NumberOne of the following:
Business registration
Business AddressProof of AddressOne of the following:
Business registration showing address
Utility bill
Tax notice
Rent receipt
Title deed

*Although documentation is not required at this time, to avoid urgent escalation we advise verifying the accuracy of any supplied information, such as collecting or checking documentary proof of the information provided. Additional information may be required in the future.

For the benefit of all our customers, these guidelines are provided to help you comply with applicable requirements and to help ensure Phonely’s platform remains compliant with global telecommunications ecosystem requirements. These guidelines represent our current understanding of common compliance requirements generally applicable to Phonely and its customers, and do not constitute legal advice. By posting these guidelines, Phonely makes no assurances regarding the legal compliance of your application built using our APIs. You are expected to understand and abide by all compliance obligations applicable to your specific application. You should check these pages regularly for updates as telecommunications ecosystem requirements continue to evolve and change, and the information below may be updated or changed without notice.