
Average Speed of Answer (ASA)

The Average Speed of Answer is the average time taken by an agent to answer a call after it enters the queue and before an agent answers it. This metric helps us understand the efficiency of call handling and responsiveness. The faster, the better.

Calculating Average Speed of Answer

To calculate ASA, you should have the following metrics available:

  • Total Waiting Time: This is the sum of the time customers spend waiting, in queue, up to the point that their calls get answered.
  • Number of Calls Answered: This is the total number of calls answered by your contact center.

With these 2 numbers available, you can calculate your contact center’s average speed of answer using this formula: (Total Waiting Time for All Answered Calls) / (Number of Calls Answered) = Average Speed of Answer

This formula helps contact centers measure how long it takes, on average, for a customer service representative to respond to a customer call once it enters the system.

Optimizing ASA

Improving, or rather increasing your ASA is critical to enhancing customer experience. A high ASA increases customer churn rate, which is not optimal for customer experience. Here are a few nifty ways to improve your contact center’s ASA:

  • Efficient Call Routing: Have an efficient IVR (Integrated Voice Response) in place that quickly and correctly routes calls to the most suitable call center agents. An ACD (Automatic Call Distribution) software can help you route calls on a first-come, first-serve basis. AI IVRs can be great for routing calls too. These can enable self-help options for your customers.
  • Agent Scheduling: Proper scheduling is foundational to increasing your ASA and your call center operations as a whole. Make sure that there are enough agents available to deal with the call volumes at given times. See if you can hire remote agents to cope with high call volumes while keeping costs to a minimum.
  • Automated Responses: AI agents like Phonely are becoming increasingly common in the call center industry. Phonely can provide automated responses and self-help options without the involvement of an agent. Resolving customer tickets using AI frees up agents to handle only the most complex issues. Using an automated response ensures that your agent’s phone rings only when AI can’t solve the problem.
  • Real-Time Monitoring: Real-time monitoring software like ZohoDesk can help you measure average wait time and call volumes in real time. You can then make adjustments to ensure that no incoming call goes unanswered.
  • Cross-Training Agents: All your agents should be able to handle a wide variety of customer queries. This ensures that there is always an agent available to assist customers with their needs.

Why Does ASA Matter?

Long wait times lead to frustration and dissatisfaction. No customer wants to spend several minutes waiting for an answer, only to get tired and disconnect the call. To provide a high standard of customer support, make sure that customers don’t spend any more time waiting than necessary.

ASA and its implications are not limited to customer experience. ASA is also a good measure of your operational efficiency. Call centers with a low ASA can handle more calls, reduce abandoned call rates, and have high levels of agent utilization.

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